Monday, September 16, 2013

Denise, Patti and Alicia

Okay. I'm so freaking excited about the tour of Blake's Cardboard piano!

I had every reason to be. Its first stop was a smashing, creative success. My sweet readers 'nise, Alicia, and Patti took it for a spin. These friends of mine also got the actual Poughkeepsie tattoo ON THEIR BODIES! So seeing the piano with three real tats blew my little mind.

They included a note to Blake so I will let them have at it below. Just a reminder that I will also be cataloging the stops here: It will go International, so feel free to become a stop, email the girls at for more information.

Take it away Ladies....

Dearest Blake,

It was an honor to provide shelter and respite for your beloved piano during the first stop of its tour. We live just outside Williamsport, PA, so we took the piano to visit some of our favorite places.

First stop was the Carl Stotz Little League Memorial. The memorial commemorates the site of the very first Little League Baseball game on June 6, 1939. Hopefully, the close-up of the plaque is legible for you. It explains the history so much more eloquently than we ever could.

Williamsport is the birthplace of Little League. Little League is all about fostering brotherhood, and we thought it was fitting to include this in your piano tour.

Our second stop was the Michael Pilato mural in Williamsport, Michael is renowned for his incredible murals, and if you go to his website, you can get a better idea of what ours looks like. We took a picture of your piano under the Little League portion of the memorial. The man in the TV set above the Lycoming Little League players is Carl Stotz. He was the founder of Little League Baseball. As you can see by the website, our mural is HUGE and would have eclipsed your piano, it was a little overwhelming, but we felt the section we chose best commemorated Williamsport.

Our final stop was at Christ Episcopal Church. Deb liked the picture of the cross we sent her a few months ago, so we returned with your piano. I could almost hear the strains of Ava Maria coming from the organ inside. Incidentally, John Henry Hopkins, Jr, rector of the church in the late 1800’s wrote the Christmas Carol “We Three Kings” during his time in NYC in 1857 for a holiday pageant.

Patti, Alicia and I have included a picture of our ‘Pough Sisters’ tattoo, as well as some Pough memorabilia Miss Deb sent us with our books. We were honored that you would entrust something as special as your piano to our care. Thanks again. We can’t wait to see where the piano ends up traveling to.

Blessings, ~nise, Patti, Alicia

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